4 Outlandish Ways to Climb the Corporate Ladder

Most Don’t Think About

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In the quest to climb the corporate ladder, we often hear the same advice repeated: work hard, network, and take on more responsibility. While these traditional methods are tried and true, they don’t always set you apart from the crowd. Sometimes, it’s the unconventional and outlandish strategies that can propel your career to new heights. Here are four unexpected ways to climb the corporate ladder that most people don’t consider.

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1. Master the Art of Strategic Office Politics

The Unseen Power Play

Office politics often carry a negative connotation, but when used strategically, they can be a powerful tool for career advancement. Most people shy away from engaging in office politics, viewing it as manipulative or unethical. However, understanding the dynamics of power, influence, and relationships within your workplace can give you a significant edge over your colleagues.

How to Use It to Your Advantage

  • Identify Key Players: In every office, there are key players who hold influence, whether they are managers, team leads, or even long-standing employees with no formal authority. Identify who these people are and build positive relationships with them. Aligning yourself with influential individuals can help you gain visibility and support when it comes to promotions or new opportunities.

  • Play the Long Game: Don’t be overtly aggressive in your approach. Instead, take the time to understand the office dynamics and use your influence subtly. Offer help, share insights, and become a trusted confidant to key players. This will help you build alliances that can be invaluable when you’re vying for a promotion.

  • Leverage Information: Stay informed about what’s happening in your organization. Knowing the company’s goals, challenges, and internal politics allows you to position yourself as someone who is in the know and who can be counted on to provide valuable insights.


Sarah, a mid-level manager, noticed that one of the senior executives always had the CEO’s ear. Instead of competing with this executive, she decided to align herself with him by offering valuable insights and supporting his initiatives. Over time, she became his go-to person for new projects, which eventually led to her being promoted to a senior role alongside him.

Pro Tip:

Be ethical in your approach to office politics. It’s about building relationships and influence, not backstabbing or manipulation. Always maintain your integrity and use your influence to create positive outcomes for both yourself and the organization.

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Marketers agree OOH is one of the best ways for building brand awareness, reaching new customers, and reinforcing your brand message. It’s just been difficult to scale. But with AdQuick, you can easily plan, deploy and measure campaigns just as easily as digital ads, making them a no-brainer to add to your team’s toolbox.

2. Reinvent Yourself as a Thought Leader

The Power of Personal Branding

In today’s corporate world, your personal brand can be as important as your job performance. While most people focus solely on their day-to-day tasks, those who rise to the top understand the importance of building a reputation as a thought leader. This involves positioning yourself as an expert in your field, both within your company and externally.

How to Do It

  • Create Content: Start by sharing your knowledge and insights through blog posts, articles, or LinkedIn posts. Focus on topics that are relevant to your industry and showcase your expertise. The goal is to become a go-to resource for information and ideas in your field.

  • Speak at Industry Events: Look for opportunities to speak at conferences, webinars, or company meetings. Public speaking not only boosts your visibility but also establishes you as an authority in your field. If you’re nervous about public speaking, start small by presenting at internal meetings and gradually work your way up.

  • Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with other thought leaders in your industry and engage with their content. Building relationships with established experts can help you gain credibility and expand your network.


John, a software engineer, started writing articles about emerging technologies on LinkedIn. Over time, his posts gained traction, and he was invited to speak at a tech conference. His visibility and reputation as an expert led to a promotion to a senior engineering role, where he now leads a team focused on innovation.

Pro Tip:

Consistency is key to building a personal brand. Regularly create and share content, and engage with your audience. The more you put yourself out there, the more recognition you’ll receive, which can lead to new opportunities within your company.

3. Become a Master of Strategic Volunteering

The Hidden Opportunities in Volunteering

Volunteering for extra projects, committees, or even external events related to your industry can open doors that you didn’t even know existed. Most people avoid volunteering for extra work, especially if it’s unpaid, but strategic volunteering can expose you to new skills, networks, and opportunities for advancement.

How to Use Volunteering to Your Advantage

  • Volunteer for High-Visibility Projects: Look for projects that are visible to upper management or that align with the company’s strategic goals. Volunteering for these projects allows you to showcase your skills and dedication to those who can influence your career progression.

  • Learn New Skills: Use volunteering as an opportunity to learn skills that are outside of your current role. This not only makes you more versatile but also shows that you’re committed to your personal and professional growth.

  • Network with Influential People: Volunteering often brings you into contact with people from different departments or levels within the organization. Building relationships with these individuals can expand your network and provide you with advocates who can support your career growth.


Emily, a marketing coordinator, volunteered to help organize her company’s annual charity event. Through this project, she worked closely with the VP of Marketing, who was impressed with her organizational skills and creative ideas. When a position opened up on the VP’s team, Emily was the first person considered, and she landed the promotion.

Pro Tip:

Be selective about the projects you volunteer for. Choose those that align with your career goals and that will give you exposure to the right people. Volunteering strategically can be a powerful tool for career advancement, but it’s important not to overcommit yourself.

Jon Pierre Movin the Air

4. Embrace the Art of Lateral Moves

The Value of Lateral Career Moves

While most people focus on climbing vertically up the corporate ladder, making lateral moves can be an outlandish yet effective strategy for long-term career growth. A lateral move involves taking a position at the same level as your current role but in a different department or with a different set of responsibilities. This can provide you with a broader skill set, a new network, and a fresh perspective, all of which can set you up for bigger opportunities down the line.

How to Leverage Lateral Moves

  • Identify Skills Gaps: Look for roles in your company that will help you develop skills that are missing from your current repertoire. By building a diverse skill set, you become a more valuable asset to the organization and a stronger candidate for higher-level positions.

  • Expand Your Network: Moving to a different department allows you to build relationships with new colleagues and managers. This expanded network can be invaluable when it comes to finding mentors, sponsors, or advocates for future promotions.

  • Position Yourself for Future Leadership: Gaining experience in different areas of the business can make you a more well-rounded candidate for leadership roles. Employers often look for leaders who have a broad understanding of the company’s operations and who can bring a fresh perspective to the table.


David was an HR manager who wanted to move into a leadership role. Instead of waiting for a promotion, he took a lateral move to the operations department, where he learned about supply chain management and logistics. After two years, he was promoted to a senior leadership position because of his diverse experience and deep understanding of multiple aspects of the business.

Pro Tip:

Don’t view lateral moves as a step backward. Instead, see them as an opportunity to broaden your experience and skill set. Be strategic about the moves you make, ensuring that each one brings you closer to your long-term career goals.

Modernize your marketing with AdQuick

AdQuick unlocks the benefits of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising in a way no one else has. Approaching the problem with eyes to performance, created for marketers with the engineering excellence you’ve come to expect for the internet.

Marketers agree OOH is one of the best ways for building brand awareness, reaching new customers, and reinforcing your brand message. It’s just been difficult to scale. But with AdQuick, you can easily plan, deploy and measure campaigns just as easily as digital ads, making them a no-brainer to add to your team’s toolbox.

Climbing the corporate ladder doesn’t always require following the traditional path. Sometimes, it’s the outlandish and unconventional strategies that can give you the edge you need to rise above the competition. By mastering office politics, reinventing yourself as a thought leader, strategically volunteering, and embracing lateral moves, you can create unique opportunities for career advancement that others might overlook.

Remember, the key to success in these strategies is to be intentional and strategic in your actions. Each of these approaches requires careful planning, relationship-building, and a long-term perspective. But if executed well, they can propel you to new heights in your career and help you achieve your professional goals.