The 7 Best Sports and Activities to Level Up Your Network

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Dear Wealth Builders,

Building a strong professional network is crucial for career advancement, business opportunities, and personal growth. One of the most effective ways to expand your network is through sports and activities. Engaging in recreational activities allows you to connect with like-minded individuals, foster relationships in a relaxed environment, and share common interests. In this post, we will explore the seven best sports and activities to level up your network and discuss why your network impacts your net worth so significantly.

Why Your Network Impacts Your Net Worth

Before diving into specific sports and activities, it's essential to understand the profound impact your network has on your net worth. Here are some key reasons:

1. Access to Opportunities

A strong network opens doors to opportunities you might not have encountered otherwise. These include job offers, business deals, partnerships, investments, and more. Knowing the right people can place you in advantageous positions and provide you with insider information that isn't available to the general public.

Example: Imagine you're a software engineer looking for a new job. A friend you met at a networking event informs you about an unadvertised position at a prestigious tech company. Because of your connection, you get an interview and eventually land the job, significantly increasing your income and career prospects.

2. Knowledge Sharing

Networking allows you to exchange knowledge and expertise with others. This exchange can help you stay updated on industry trends, learn new skills, and gain insights to boost your career or business.

Example: A small business owner meets a marketing expert while playing tennis at a local club. The owner learns about effective marketing strategies that help boost sales and grow the business through their conversations.

3. Mentorship and Guidance

Having mentors within your network can provide invaluable guidance and support. Mentors can offer advice based on their experiences, help you navigate challenges, and provide encouragement when needed.

Example: An aspiring entrepreneur meets a successful business owner at a golf course. The business owner becomes a mentor, offering insights and advice that help the entrepreneur launch a successful startup.

4. Enhanced Reputation

Building relationships with influential and respected individuals can enhance your reputation. When others see you are connected to reputable people, they are more likely to trust and respect you.

Example: A financial advisor regularly plays squash with top executives in the finance industry. This association boosts the advisor's credibility and attracts high-net-worth clients.

5. Emotional Support

A strong network provides emotional support during difficult times. Having friends and colleagues who understand your challenges can help you stay motivated and resilient.

Example: A lawyer going through a tough time at work finds support from a group of fellow attorneys she met through a running club. Their encouragement helps her stay focused and overcome the challenges.

6. Referrals and Recommendations

Your network can provide referrals and recommendations that lead to new business, clients, or job opportunities. People are more likely to refer someone they know and trust.

Example: A real estate agent who frequently attends social events meets various professionals. When someone in their network needs to buy or sell a property, they refer the agent, leading to more business.

7. Increased Visibility

Being active in your network increases your visibility and helps you stay top-of-mind. Regular interactions ensure that people remember you when opportunities arise.

Example: A consultant regularly participates in community soccer matches. When a local company needs consulting services, they remember the consultant they played soccer with and reach out for assistance.

With these benefits, let's explore the seven best sports and activities to level up your network.

1. Golf

Why Golf?

Golf is often considered the ultimate networking sport. It provides ample time for conversation, fosters a relaxed environment, and is popular among business professionals and executives.

Benefits of Networking Through Golf

  1. Extended Interaction: A round of golf typically lasts four to five hours, allowing for meaningful conversations and relationship-building.

  2. Common Interest: Golf is a shared interest that can help break the ice and create a bond between participants.

  3. Exclusive Access: Golf courses and clubs often attract high-net-worth individuals and decision-makers, providing access to influential contacts.


John, a sales manager, regularly plays golf at a local country club. Over time, he forms a friendship with the CEO of a large corporation who also plays there. When the corporation needs new sales software, the CEO reaches out to John for recommendations, leading to a significant business deal for John's company.

Pro Tip

Join a golf club or participate in charity golf tournaments to meet new people and expand your network.

2. Tennis

Why Tennis?

Tennis is a social and competitive sport that attracts professionals from various industries. It requires physical activity and skill, making it an excellent way to connect with others who share a passion for the game.

Benefits of Networking Through Tennis

  1. One-on-One Interaction: Singles matches provide an opportunity for one-on-one interaction, allowing for focused conversations.

  2. Regular Play: Many tennis enthusiasts play regularly, providing multiple opportunities to build and maintain relationships.

  3. Club Memberships: Tennis clubs often host social events, tournaments, and mixers, creating additional networking opportunities.


Sara, an architect, joins a local tennis club and starts playing regularly with other members. She befriends a property developer who later hires her firm for a major commercial project, significantly boosting her business.

Pro Tip

Participate in tennis leagues and tournaments to meet new people and showcase your skills.

3. Running Clubs

Why Running Clubs?

Running clubs are inclusive, social, and attract a diverse group of individuals. They provide a healthy and informal environment for networking.

Benefits of Networking Through Running Clubs

  1. Regular Interaction: Weekly runs and events offer consistent opportunities to connect with others.

  2. Shared Goals: Training for races or marathons together fosters camaraderie and mutual support.

  3. Variety of Backgrounds: Running clubs attract people from various professions, expanding your network across different industries.


Tom, a marketing executive, joins a local running club and meets Emily, a tech entrepreneur. Through their conversations during runs, Tom learns about Emily's startup and eventually becomes their marketing consultant, leading to a lucrative partnership.

Pro Tip

Volunteer to organize club events or training sessions to increase your visibility and build stronger connections.

4. Yoga Classes

Why Yoga?

Yoga promotes physical and mental well-being, making it a popular activity among professionals seeking balance in their lives. It offers a calm and supportive environment for networking.

Benefits of Networking Through Yoga

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation: The focus on mindfulness and relaxation creates a positive and open atmosphere for building relationships.

  2. Regular Attendance: Regular yoga classes allow for consistent interaction with the same group of people.

  3. Health-Conscious Network: Yoga attracts health-conscious individuals who value well-being, creating a network of like-minded people.


Laura, a financial advisor, attends a weekly yoga class where she meets David, a successful real estate investor. They form a friendship, and David eventually becomes one of Laura's top clients, referring her to other investors in his network.

Pro Tip

Participate in yoga retreats or workshops to deepen your connections and meet new people.

5. Cycling Groups

Why Cycling?

Cycling is a popular and accessible sport that attracts a dedicated and passionate community. Group rides and cycling events provide excellent opportunities for networking.

Benefits of Networking Through Cycling

  1. Shared Passion: Cycling enthusiasts share a passion for the sport, creating a strong bond.

  2. Group Rides: Group rides foster teamwork and collaboration, building trust and camaraderie.

  3. Events and Races: Cycling events and races offer additional networking opportunities and social interactions.


Mike, an IT manager, joins a local cycling group and meets Rachel, the owner of a tech company. Through their conversations on group rides, Mike learns about job openings at Rachel's company and eventually lands a senior position there.

Pro Tip

Participate in charity rides and local cycling events to expand your network and support good causes.

6. CrossFit and Group Fitness Classes

Why CrossFit and Group Fitness?

CrossFit and group fitness classes offer intense and challenging workouts that build a sense of community and teamwork. These classes attract motivated and driven individuals who value fitness and personal growth.

Benefits of Networking Through CrossFit and Group Fitness

  1. Supportive Environment: The challenging nature of the workouts fosters a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

  2. Team Building: Partner workouts and group challenges build teamwork and trust among participants.

  3. Consistent Attendance: Regular classes allow for frequent interaction and relationship-building.


Andrew, a software developer, joins a CrossFit gym and becomes friends with Lisa, a graphic designer. They collaborate on a fitness app project, combining their skills and creating a successful side business.

Pro Tip

Participate in CrossFit competitions or group fitness challenges to showcase your skills and meet new people.

7. Martial Arts

Why Martial Arts?

Martial arts promote discipline, focus, and self-improvement. They attract individuals who value personal growth and resilience, making them excellent networking opportunities.

Benefits of Networking Through Martial Arts

  1. Discipline and Respect: The principles of martial arts foster mutual respect and trust among practitioners.

  2. Shared Goals: Training for belts or competitions creates a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

  3. Diverse Backgrounds: Martial arts attract people from various professions and backgrounds, expanding your network.


Kevin, a corporate lawyer, joins a martial arts dojo and meets Jason, a business consultant. They develop a strong friendship, and Jason later refers Kevin to several high-profile clients, boosting his legal practice.

Pro Tip

Attend martial arts seminars and competitions to deepen your connections and learn from experienced practitioners.

The Power of Networking Through Sports and Activities

Engaging in sports and activities is a powerful way to build and expand your professional network. The benefits of networking through these activities are numerous, including access to opportunities, knowledge sharing, mentorship, enhanced reputation, emotional support, referrals, and increased visibility.

By participating in golf, tennis, running clubs, yoga, cycling groups, CrossFit, and martial arts, you can connect with like-minded individuals, foster meaningful relationships, and create opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Remember, the key to successful networking is consistency and genuine engagement. Show up regularly, be open to new connections, and always look for ways to add value to your network.

So, get out there, join a club, sign up for a class, and start leveling up your network through sports and activities. Your future self will thank you for it!

Warm regards,

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