Three Ways to Get Ahead of 90% of People

What It Takes to Reach the Last 10%

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Dear Wealth Builders,

It can often feel like getting ahead is an uphill battle. Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, build wealth, or simply improve your life, the competition can seem overwhelming. However, the truth is that getting ahead of 90% of people doesn’t require extraordinary talent or luck; it requires discipline, strategic thinking, and consistent effort. The last 10% — reaching true mastery or exceptional success — is where the game really changes, and it requires a different level of commitment.

In this post, we’ll explore the three key ways to get ahead of 90% of people and what it takes to break into the top 10%. We’ll provide examples, dive into the psychology behind these strategies, and offer real-life stories to illustrate how you can apply these principles to your own life.

1. Develop Unshakable Discipline and Consistency

Why It’s Important

Most people start with good intentions but falter when it comes to consistency. Whether it’s in fitness, career goals, or personal projects, the ability to stick with something over the long term is what sets the top performers apart from the rest. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment, and consistency is the vehicle that gets you there.

The majority of people fail to develop long-term discipline because they focus on short-term rewards or get discouraged when results aren’t immediate. But here's the truth: consistency doesn’t produce instant results, it produces compounding results. The small actions you take today may not make a noticeable difference tomorrow, but over time, those small actions build momentum and lead to significant outcomes.

Example: The Fitness Journey

Take the example of someone who starts working out to get fit. They go to the gym for two weeks, but when they don’t see immediate results, they quit. This is a common story, and it’s the reason why so many people fail to achieve their fitness goals. Now, compare this to someone who goes to the gym every day for a year, regardless of how they feel or how much progress they’re seeing in the short term. By the end of that year, they will have not only transformed their body, but they will have also built the discipline to tackle any other goal with the same relentless consistency.

Pro Tip: Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

Instead of focusing solely on the end result (e.g., “I want to lose 20 pounds”), focus on the process (e.g., “I will work out five days a week, no matter what”). By shifting your mindset to the actions you can control, you’ll stay motivated even when progress seems slow.

2. Master One Skill Before Trying to Do Everything

Why It’s Important

In today’s world, being a jack-of-all-trades often means being a master of none. The most successful people don’t try to do everything—they focus on mastering one skill before moving on to the next. Mastery requires time, focus, and deliberate practice, but once you’ve truly mastered a skill, it can open up doors that were previously closed to you.

Many people make the mistake of spreading themselves too thin. They try to learn multiple skills at once, hoping that being “well-rounded” will make them more valuable. In reality, mastery of one skill makes you much more valuable than being mediocre at many things.

Example: The Rise of Warren Buffett

Take Warren Buffett as an example. Buffett didn’t try to master every aspect of finance, nor did he dive into every type of investment available. Instead, he focused on becoming an expert in value investing—a specific strategy where investors buy undervalued companies with the expectation that they will increase in value over time. Buffett’s mastery of this one skill has made him one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Story: The Consultant Who Focused on a Niche

Consider a consultant who starts their business by offering a wide range of services—marketing, sales training, leadership coaching, and more. They spread their focus across multiple areas, never gaining deep expertise in any of them. Now compare that with a consultant who chooses to specialize in one specific niche, such as sales strategy for SaaS companies. This consultant will be seen as an expert in that niche, attract more targeted clients, and be able to charge a premium for their services because of their focused expertise.

Pro Tip: Specialize Before You Diversify

To get ahead of 90% of people, choose one skill or area to focus on and commit to mastering it. Once you’ve achieved mastery, you can then begin to diversify and add more skills to your toolbox. But remember, specialization comes first.

3. Learn to Solve Problems That Others Avoid

Why It’s Important

People who succeed are not necessarily the smartest or the most talented—they are often the ones who solve the problems others avoid. Most people avoid difficult challenges because they’re afraid of failure, they don’t know where to start, or they lack the confidence to tackle complex issues. But the reality is that problems are opportunities in disguise.

The more difficult a problem is to solve, the more value you bring when you solve it. In fact, the bigger the problem, the bigger the reward. Whether it’s in business, technology, or relationships, being a problem-solver puts you in high demand.

Example: Elon Musk and SpaceX

Elon Musk didn’t become a billionaire by solving simple problems. When he started SpaceX, the goal was to reduce the cost of space travel and eventually make humans a multi-planetary species. It was a massive undertaking, and many experts doubted that it could be done. Musk faced numerous failures and setbacks, including multiple rocket crashes, but he didn’t give up. By solving one of the most complex problems in modern science, he not only made history but also built a multi-billion-dollar business.

Pro Tip: Don’t Be Afraid to Tackle the “Impossible” Problems

Instead of avoiding difficult problems, seek them out. Whether in your job, your business, or your personal life, look for the issues that no one else wants to deal with. By becoming the person who solves these problems, you’ll quickly rise to the top of your field.

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Breaking into the Top 10%: What It Takes

Getting ahead of 90% of people requires discipline, focus, and the ability to solve problems. But breaking into the last 10%—those who are truly exceptional—requires something more. This is where mindset, persistence, and a willingness to go beyond your comfort zone come into play.

1. Develop a Growth Mindset

The difference between good and great often comes down to mindset. People in the top 10% have what is known as a growth mindset—the belief that their abilities can be developed through hard work, learning, and persistence. They don’t see failures as a reflection of their abilities; they see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Example: Michael Jordan’s Growth Mindset

Michael Jordan is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time, but he didn’t achieve greatness because he was born with more talent than anyone else. In fact, Jordan famously didn’t make his high school basketball team when he first tried out. Instead of giving up, he used that failure as motivation to work harder, practice more, and develop his skills. Jordan’s growth mindset—his belief that he could improve through effort—was key to his success.

2. Go the Extra Mile (and Then Some)

To break into the top 10%, you have to be willing to go the extra mile when others won’t. This could mean working longer hours, taking on more challenging projects, or continuously learning new skills. The top 10% aren’t satisfied with doing just enough—they consistently exceed expectations.

Story: The Employee Who Became a CEO

Take the story of Sarah, who started as an entry-level employee at a tech company. She wasn’t the most experienced or the most skilled, but she consistently went above and beyond in every task she was given. She volunteered for challenging projects, took on leadership roles in her team, and spent her evenings learning new skills to improve her performance. Within five years, Sarah was promoted to a leadership position, and within a decade, she became the CEO of the company.

3. Build Relationships with the Right People

In business and life, success is often about who you know. The top 10% understand the importance of networking and building relationships with influential people in their field. They actively seek out mentors, collaborators, and supporters who can help them grow and reach their goals.

Pro Tip: Network with a Purpose

Don’t just network for the sake of collecting business cards—build meaningful relationships with people who can help you achieve your goals. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and seek out opportunities to connect with others who share your ambitions.

The Road to the Top

Getting ahead of 90% of people isn’t about luck or extraordinary talent—it’s about developing the discipline to stay consistent, mastering one skill before moving on to the next, and becoming a problem-solver. These three strategies can help you rise above the competition and achieve significant success in your career, business, or personal life.

But if you want to break into the top 10%, you’ll need more than just discipline and problem-solving skills. You’ll need a growth mindset, an unrelenting work ethic, and the ability to build meaningful relationships. The journey to the top isn’t easy, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can get there.

So, whether you’re just starting your journey or you’re looking to level up, remember that success is within your reach—if you’re willing to put in the work and stay focused on the right goals.

Stay Focused,

Build Wealth Yourself Team

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